I hope you've all had a wonderful week. It's been pretty busy here. You can tell that the locals are getting pretty excited for winter here. The members have told me it's paradise. I'm excited for it, but I'm starting to enjoy the heat. Yesterday in church, I was so cold because someone had turned the AC down to 60 degrees. Okay, It's time for the good stuff...
Tuesday was a great day. It was my first Zone Conference. My Mission President is really funny and kind. He has a strong testimony and a light he takes everywhere. I look up to him. President Robinson taught about how we need to have more tools in our toolbox. He explained that if all we have is a hammer, we can only solve one problem; putting a nail into a wall. He then told us that if we put more tools into our toolbox, we can fix more problems (answer more questions) investigators have because we have the proper items. The main point he was trying to get across to us was to use study time more effectively. It helped me learn how to put personal study to better use. The greatest habit and realization the MTC/Mission Field has given me is that reading the scriptures daily can improve our lives quicker then anything else.
Wednesday was a crazy awesome day. First, Elder Kuewa and I helped a member push two broken-down cars out of his yard. The member told us that last time, it took four Elders to move them. I'm sure that Elder Kuewa (using his Hawaiian strength) could have pushed them out on his own. After that, we were riding our bikes home when we saw a four-door Dodge truck stopped in the middle of an intersection. It had overheated. Elder Kuewa told me to watch the bikes as he dashed out into the road. He took a few deep breaths and then pushed it all the way into a Walgreen's parking lot about 30 feet away. That's missionary power. :D I wanted to help, but we've heard stories of other Elders leaving their bikes unattended for 10 seconds and then they're gone. I was cheering him on from the crosswalk. Haha! Also, we had a giant sandstorm and I got a picture I'll send you all.
Thursday was a normal missionary work day. We taught the Restoration to a few people and gave a priesthood blessing to a less-active. The Spirit was so strong in that room and Jerry (the less-active) said he could feel his Fathers arms around him... he came to church yesterday.
Friday we had a PMG workshop. I got to drive the ZL's minivan on the freeway! I loved it, driving's been something I've missed a lot. The freeway was so busy and before I got in the car, I was saying so many prayers. I could feel the Spirit directing me in everything I did. We were late to the workshop because Google Maps misdirected us to get off exit 41, but we need to get off at 45. I loved every minute of it.
The weekend was great. Nothing really happened. I really loved church and it gave me a spiritual boost for the upcoming week.
To end, I'll bear my testimony on the blessing of a modern day prophet. Our beloved President Thomas S. Monson has been called of God to direct His work here on earth. He recently turned 90-years old and he is still spreading good and shooting smiles whenever he can. He has set an example for all of us, and it's a great example to follow, because he follows Jesus Christ. I know this is the true church and that studying the counsel of President Monson can help us in schooling, work, and anything else.
I hope you all have a wonderful week! Thanks for your emails and the encouragement. Stay safe and keep moving forward.
Elder DeGraw
Arizona Streets |
Mesa Temple |
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Elder DeGraw with some palm trees |
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