Thursday, February 20, 2020

Week 2

Rainy day in Sao Paolo.

Elder DeGraw in his soccer jersey

Visit to the Campinas temple

Elder DeGraw with his companions and roomates

I {finally} got to video chat with Elder DeGraw yesterday. He said that that morning they went to the Campinas temple-- which is about 2 hours away-- and it was awesome, but as a result, he didnt have much time to do any of the ususal P-Day things. He hadn't even eaten anything other than breakfast because they were traveling. (It was almost 5:00 his time when he called). So... that means no email to post this week, but I wanted to share some of the info that he told me. He said the Campinas temple was beautiful. He liked it a bit more than the Sao Paolo one that he went to last week. He chose to do the session in Portuguese, and was able to follow along well enough.

I asked him about his trip down...

He said on the flight from Idaho Falls to SLC he met another missionary, Elder Christofferson (Elder D Todd Chirstofferson's grandson). When they got to the Salt Lake Airport, they said good-bye. Kyle then flew to JFK and then from JFK to Sao Paolo all on his own. His flight landed at 8 in the morning! Once he made it through customs, he ran into Elder Christofferson again. They waited and waited at the CTM pick up location, but no one was there. The two of them went to Burger King, and came to wait some more. Finally the transport van came-- it had been delayed due to the intruder at the CTM that morning. He said that the drivers are crazy and the traffic was crazy. He finally made it to the CTM around 4 pm. So, he wasn't there when the intruder broke in-- which Kyle said he was so grateful for because everyone who was there (basically everyone) has had to go for a psychological evaluation and (if needed) further counseling.

I asked him about the food...

He said they have panini or pancakes every breakfast. They don't have peanut butter in Brazil, so my parents sent Kyle with a bunch of little PB to-go packs. Kyle said he brought one down to have with his breakfast and everyone was coveting his peanut butter. For lunch they have the main meal. Beans and rice with some type of meat. He said it is good. Dinner they serve American food, but he said they aren't getting it quite right. Its "Brazilian American food". The worst thing hes had so far is hot dogs.

I asked about the CTM and a typical day...

He said they are supposed to speak Portuguese as much as possible. I could tell learning the language (and the pressure to learn the language) has been overwhelming to him. He feels like he isnt getting it as well as others are. I'm sure hes doing better than he realizes, but I feel concerned that my son who has always looked at life with a pretty easy breezy attitude is telling me he is really stressed. He said that they wake up at 6:30, but he is waking at 5:30 to try to study more. They get ready and have breakfast at 7:15. Class from 8:30- lunch, then more class until about 5:00. After 5, they have dinner, exercise, companionship study, etc.. They go to bed around 10:00.On most P-Days they can go out on the streets within a few parameters, and visit shops. He went across the street last week and bought a cookie that was as big as his head.

He said he rooms with his companions (Keyser and Noble) and 2 other missionaries-- one from Brazil and one from Bolivia. I asked their names and he said he didn't know. He said he isn't a huge fan of those two. Kyle has always been my kid who makes friends no matter where we are... so I was surprised by that info.

Lastly, he said that he has had a sore throat since he got there-- so hopefully that clears up!

It was mostly just good to see his smile and hear his laugh. I asked if he was happy and he quickly said yes! He is loving Brazil.


Wednesday, February 12, 2020

One Week Down...

Elder DeGraw with his district

Sao Paolo Temple

Elder Noble, Elder Keyser, & Elder DeGraw at the Sao Paolo Temple

The view from the CTM

Elder DeGraw with his district.

Hey, how are you doing? Sorry we don't have a ton of time to email so it won't be the longest email. But I wanted to let you all know that I love you.

I love Brazil so much so far. Yeah we get emails and can see them throughout the week. We just aren't allowed to respond to them. Which makes sense. It really helps a lot to be able to get updates throughout the week. 

I hurt my pinky playing basketball yesterday, its all bruised now and I can barely move it. But nothing to be worried about, its healing. We get to exercise everyday, except that when its raining we don't get to. So the other day we ended up playing uno with our whole district. That was really fun. I've found that I really love my district, and they've kinda became another family for me. 

How's home, has it felt weird without me there? Has the snow stopped or kept going? Also, I'm curious how Cameron is. 

My Portuguese is coming along well, but I feel very overwhelmed sometimes, like I have so much to learn in such a short time. And so my stress level has been very high, just because of that. But then I opened the package of goldfish that was hidden in my suitcase and it really helped. So I wanted to thank you (Mom) for that, it really has helped me out a lot. Class is cool too, and so I enjoy being in class

We went to the temple today and that was a cool experience to have. We got to do both baptisms and the endowment session. Everything was in English so it was easy to understand. It was easy to feel the spirit. And it was nice to get out into the streets, even if it was just inside of a van. 

I have been taking lots of pictures, but I don't have any way of sending them while I'm in the CTM. So I'll send them when I get out into the field. 

I love you so much.  I won't have time to email everyone. I will when I can. I am safe and feeling good. 

Elder DeGraw

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Ola From Brazil


Yesterday was a very eventful day. I don't have much time to write, because it's going to be a busy day. But I wanted to let you know that I arrived safely and tell you a bit about the first day. It was very confusing what we were supposed to do when we got here, but nothing too tricky. The hardest part is probably that almost everyone speaks in Portuguese. I have learned a bit more. One of my roommates, Elder Mattos, has been super helpful. He is super nice. Sleeping last night was super easy, it was the first time in my whole life that I didn't need a blanket of any sorts. I'm on the sixth floor and I wouldn't like it any other way. Climbing the stairs isn't my favorite but I love the view and can't wait to send you some of the pictures I took. I have two companions, Elder Noble and Elder Keyser. Elder Keyser's plane was delayed and so he didn't get here till 5:30 this morning. I like both of them, and they are both going to serve in the Piracicaba mission too. The intruder didn't affect my group at all, but the devotional was all about it. I love you Mom, tell the rest of the family that I love them too.

Elder DeGraw

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Brazil Just Got Even Better, Because Now They Have Elder DeGraw!

 What an unforgettable day! Actually... What an unforgettable week! What an unforgettable month! What unforgettable 19 years!!! Being a witness to Kyle's life has been one of the crowning jewels of my life! He really is (and always has been) beyond anything I could have hoped a son would be. He is kind and confident. He is funny and joyful. He thinks deeply and feels emotion genuinely. He connects with people -- no matter where we are or what we are doing. He's fun! He's thoughtful. He's so smart and so spiritually strong. I adore him! He has amazed me since the day he was born, and yesterday was no different. I am amazed by the what it takes for a missionary to leave everything they know to step into the unknown-- astounding courage and faith fueled by testimony and selfless love. What a hard thing it is to watch (and experience), but one of the most exquisitely beautiful as well. To say I am proud of Kyle would be an enormous understatement!

Elder DeGraw flew out of the Idaho Falls airport bright and early (actually it was still dark and felt like the middle of the night) on the 4th. He flew to Salt Lake City, on to JFK airport in New York (he's ALWAYS wanted to visit NY-- but a 4 hour layover probably wasn't in his dream scenario), then took an all night flight to Sao Paolo Brazil. Ryan and I were tracking his flights all day. He arrived at 4:00 am (their time) after a LONG 24 hours. We still haven't heard from Elder DeGraw. We are anxious to hear about his travels, and his eventful day at the CTM-- and it sounds like it was one for the books for sure! This morning, a man invaded the Training Center, with a knife and the intent to kill the CTM President (Poor president, he's only been there for a month!). The military police were called in and the man tried to attack them and was killed. So-- welcome to Brazil kid! ("Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore!). You can read more about it by clicking HERE.

We are excited to hear from Elder DeGraw (by excited I mean obsessively checking our emails). Over the past few months, as I've helped Kyle prepare to serve, there have been many stories and experiences shared with me that had me quite worried about sending my boy to Brazil. I joked that every time I learn something new about his mission my anxiety meter rises. BUT, there is a scripture found in Mormon 5:23 that speaks so much comfort to my mama heart. It says "Know ye not that ye are in the hands of God?" I love that. Kyle is in God's hands. He's on the Lords errand, and Ive already seen Heavenly Father's tender care...

-Kyle was given the most wonderful blessing when he was set apart with many amazing promises, but the thing that I loved most was that some of the specific promises were almost word for word phrases from his patriarchal blessing. 2 different blessings, given at 2 different times by 2 different men. How is that so? because God knows Kyle and in both cases God spoke through the Holy Ghost to the men giving those blessings. 

-I was worried about Kyle flying alone (and for all I know he did). I felt a little frustration because every outgoing missionary I asked was connecting in Dallas. Over 21 missionaries. So, why was Kyle the only one going through NY? This morning I learned that the Dallas missionaries (who were supposed to arrive to the Sao Paolo airport the same time as Kyle)  had problems because of an unruly passenger who had to be arrested (yikes) and were diverted to Miami where they had to spend the night and most of today in the airport. They finally left this afternoon for Brazil and should get there after 5:00 tomorrow morning (over 24 hours after Kyle had already arrived)... tender mercy for our Elder! AND... Ive no doubt it was God's loving care that (for whatever unknown reason) diverted their flight and delayed their arrival. 

- The incident at the CTM will serve as a reminder to Elder DeGraw that he needs to do the things necessary to be safe in a place that can be dangerous. Perhaps that reminder will help keep Kyle safe over the next 2 years. It also strengthened our knowledge that God protects his missionaries. 

-On that same note, I know that while my son is there, the security in the CTM will likely be at the top of their game.

I am sure that Elder DeGraw has noticed God's hand as well and felt the sustaining and protective power of prayer (THANK YOU FOR PRAYING FOR HIM!) 

I'll give you the update as soon as we hear from Elder DeGraw! Hopefully tomorrow...

 Hugs to last 2 years...

one last look... I was so grateful he turned around and saw us. He was looking and looking in the wrong direction (thinking we left)-- I felt so relieved when he spotted us and we were able to blow kisses and "I love you's" and thumbs up one last time.

He's outta here...