Hey everybody!
It's Elder DeGraw here. So I've got to keep this one short this week. I'll be sure to fill it with all the good stuff...
The first few days last week were pretty normal. We taught lessons, biked around, and met new people. It was in the 90's this last week which was perfect. The missions had us switch from camelbacks to shoulder bags now. I look pretty professional with a shoulder bag. Our teaching pools have shrunk, but the potential investigator pool is massive, so these next few weeks should be busy. We had a man just get out of jail and he called us telling us he wants to be baptized, so that's cool. We're still teaching Jordynn and her baptisms coming soon, hopefully. A typical day, we are on our bikes visiting investigators and a lot of less-actives. We have lessons set Tuesdays. We go out with a member and teach recent converts. A typical P-day, we go shopping, eat a lot of food, laundry, then come to the church to email/play basketball. Transfers are next week.
Friday I woke up and made the best pancakes. Strawberries and cool whip from the can. Mmhmm, so good. I got ready for the day and realized that Elder Kuewa was still in bed. He was really sick, so I used my time to study. I read so much (4 conference talks). I loved reading about my Savior and learning new truths that were once unknown to me. I played chess against myself too. I felt so spiritually buffed. I also watch the hour long Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration video. The scriptures are so powerful. As I studied them that morning, I understood what Elder Callister meant when he said "These are messages with a heartbeat—messages that live and breathe and inspire." The Book of Mormon truly radiates the spirit.
Saturday I got to go on exchanges with my district leader, Elder Bell. I got to go with him to his area and his comp came to mine. I was excited because Elder Bell is over the YSA Ward here (which means they have a car). We biked in the morning and talked to so many people on the street. Sadly, they were all homeless. We then got into their Ford Fusion and went knocking doors. I loved it, but nobody was interested. Our dinner was a drop off at their place. When we were eating the pizza the members had given us, we got another text from a member saying: "are you guys coming to dinner?" I don't know what happened, but I wasn't complaining that we ended up with two dinners. I thought of it as Thanksgiving Dinner prep.
Sunday was another great day. Another Elder got sick on Friday and he was still sick Sunday. Elder Kuewa and Elder Clark (the sick Elder's companion) went to church and I stayed and watched videos on my tablet. That night, we went to visit Brother Gaytan. We talked for a while about how he's been doing and then he showed us a book called "Four Ways to Eat Right for your Blood Type." He showed us what foods I should eat and what foods I should not eat. I'm not suppose to eat bananas, oranges, or ham. Haha, that's pretty much all I've eaten the last few weeks.
I hope you all have a great week! Remember to have faith in hard times, because Heavenly Father does have a plan for you and you simply need to keep moving forward. Stay safe and be brave!
Love Elder DeGraw
Playing chess... by myself. Having a sick companion is so boring! |
While I was at the church, writing my email today, the other Elders broke a window with the basketball. Oops!
A member sat on my sunglasses. |
Our zone sweatshirt (that I designed). |
One of my favorite quotes from President Eyring's general conference talk.
So this one takes some explanation. Our district leader's favorite saying is "butter em up like a fish." So I drew this for him and it's my districts favorite thing now. |
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