Monday, November 20, 2017

4 Month Mark!

Good morning and hello everyone! 

Hope you're ready... it's a long one. :D

It's Elder DeGraw from Mesa, Arizona! HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO YOU ALL! Winter is finally here! I still go out into the world wearing my short sleeve white shirt, this is paradise right now. How's Rexburg doing? Any crazy hail storms or tornado warnings? I hope you each had a wonderful week full of miracles. So my week...

Tuesday was a great day. The best part... we got cake! We had Zone Conference at 9 in the morning. It's also fun getting to wear a snappy suit, it's more fun when at the end of the day you can take it off. We were finally able to get a picture of the Rexburg Crew and President Robinson jumped in too. Elder Robinson is heading home pretty soon, so it was awesome getting to hear his final testimony. I felt the Spirit strongly when he spoke about the first vision, he talked about how each time he shares Joseph Smith's account; the Holy Ghost confirms to him the truth of the remarkable event. I also got three packages, thanks fam! All the other Elders were a little jealous. Another great bonus was receiving my silver bike pin, because I've now biked over two transfers in the summer.

Wednesday, I finally got to drive a car again. It was a pretty sweet one too, the newest Toyota Corolla... not that it matters or anything. But wait, there's more. I got to drive a car outside of the mission, and then later that day we accidently missed a turn and left our mission again. Oops. We drove to Glendale, about 41 minutes, away to see a doctor. The doctors office was right next the Phoenix Mission Office, so Elder Bird and I decided to document our adventure with a pic. Woah. On the way home, we missed the exit that we needed to get off of. So we ended up somewhere in the Tempe Mission. After some skilled driving maneuvers, and giving ourselves to much prayer and fasting, we made it back home.

Thursday was a normal missionary day. We taught a few lessons and yeah. We biked for most the day and it was hard to catch anyone home.

Friday was a busier day, we had five lessons prepared to teach. Only two appointments didn't fall through. It was another normal day for missionary work. On our way home that night, we got a text from a the coolest member here, asking us to swing by sometime. We had time, so we sped over to her house. She surprised both with two boxes of pancake mix and a bottle of syrup-- shout out to Sister Tauna Richardson! I sure do love the members down here.

Saturday was a day filled with miracles. We talked to so many people on the street. A few flipped us the bird, but there were two souls that invited us to come by there house sometime. Getting a yes from those two completely overshadowed any number of times being flipped off. We also talked to a lady who was having a yard sale. Her name was America (pretty cool, yeah?) And I wanted to be nice after we talked with her for a few minutes, so I bought this blender bottle from her, I'm a big spender I know. Another miracle was the weather, cloudy all day. Perfect! We also were able to set up an appointment with a guy named Johnny. He hasn't been the friendliest to us in the times we've come by before, but I was amazed on Saturday with how the Lord has softened his heart so quickly. We talked with him for a while about life and his job. He wants us to swing by this next week and share a message with his family. Booyah! We also had a few lessons that night. Elder Bird is a great teacher and really knows his stuff/what scriptures people need to hear. We taught the sweetest lady named Whitney. She has the greatest story and I won't dive into details, but I have found so much joy from the moments I've seen the Spirit touch her heart and seeing her so welcomed to the church by members, especially the Bishops wife.

Sunday was a good day, we had many investigators come to church and the talks on gratitude were just what I needed. I'm so grateful for this beautiful world. I also loved watching the face to face event with Elder Oaks and Ballard. I didn't realize how funny they both are. I know that they truly are Apostles of the Lord, Jesus Christ. One thing I noticed was how much love and respect they had for each other.

Monday has been a normal pday. Emails and all that good stuff. We traveled to see a doctor today too, but this one was only a hop and a skip over main street (10 minutes away). We were in the Mesa Mission, so you could say I left my mission (with permission) three times this week! I've also added an update in this email to the list of what I'm grateful for, here you go...

#13 I'm grateful to have a healthy body and the ability to help strengthen others. 
#14 A sight I'm grateful for would have to be temple square around Christmas time. I wish I could hop in a car and drive there right now.
#15 A season I'm most grateful for is easily Winter, mostly because of the Christmas spirit that's in the air. 
#16 I'm grateful that I get to eat food. (Looking forward to Thanksgiving btw)
#17 What knowledge am I grateful for? The knowledge families can be together forever. If there is one thing I want to accomplish, it's keeping my family together and focused on getting back to Heavenly Father as a team. 
#18 I'm grateful for temples and the peace to be found therein. 
#19 I'm so grateful for when I feel the Saviors love for me! 

To end my email, I will close with some of my thoughts this week. The topic and doctrine of faith has always been fascinating to me. As a missionary, I have gained a better understanding on the importance of faith. I believe Nephi, the Son of Lehi, had a strong understanding on faith. So much so to the point of him being able to accomplish many challenging tasks laid before him. (1 Nephi 3:7) My thoughts then turned to his elder brothers. An interesting thought came to my mind; Laman and Lemuel probably both held the priesthood. They had seen many miracles, an angel even! Yet did that add to their faith? Did they understand the concept of Faith in Christ and Enduring to the End? No. They still wandered off into the mist of darkness. They didn't hear the voice of their father, a prophet, begging them to please, partake of the good fruit. (1 Nephi 8:18) Similar to the example of Nephi's two brothers, we can look at the story of the three witnesses. They had seen miracles-- they had even seen the golden plates. Yet that was not enough. They did not have a foundation of Faith in Christ sufficient enough to see them to their journeys end. They fell along the wayside. I do believe though that two of them found their way back onto the path, which goes to show that no one can slip too far into darkness without hearing the call to come back to the light. I want to bear my testimony that there are good times, and also bad times ahead. If we hold onto what matters most, if we press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, and give as much as we can I promise that you will be filled with the Holy Ghost. You will be filled with love, with peace, with comfort, and a light so bright that no darkness can shadow it. Laman and Lemuel didn't understand this. They filled their days with sadness, murmuring, and anger. There was no room for the Spirit to fill their hearts and point them back to our Savior. I know that this is the true church. Jesus Christ lives and leads His kingdom on the earth today. He is with us in the boat as we continue upstream. Guard your testimony and cherish the blessing it is to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Never give up. Never give in. Heavenly Father has a plan for you, and it is a marvelous plan that will bring everlasting happiness. I humbly say these things in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, amen. 

I hope you all stay safe! Remember to pray always and look for ways to love and serve others! 

Whatever you put time into grows-- grow your faith.  

Quote of the week: "In life you've got to have a wish bone, a backbone, and a funny bone." - Elder DeGraw

3 Elders from Rexburg in one zone! (Plus our amazing Mission President) 

Copying my Grandpa's pose

(I took this picture for you, Grandma)

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