Monday, November 6, 2017

Spookiness, Dangerous Cucumbers, and Happiness!

Hey again everyone!

Elder DeGraw here, remember me? It's been quite the week, I hope I can remember all of the good stuff. I hope you all stayed safe on Halloween! So here's the latest from the greatest...

Tuesday was Halloween and transfers. My new companion is Elder Bird and he's actually from Idaho Falls, not Illinois (but I think he was raised there). Our ward mission leader's nicknamed us "the tater-tots." Elder Bird's last area was up in Snowflake where he lived in a mansion right across from the temple. I'm a little jealous. He's been out for about six months now. While he was coming down from the mountains, I got put with Elder Robinson (the last assistant) and Elder Bell (the district leader) for the day. I learned so much from the both of them. We went biking for a lot of the day and they talked to everyone they saw. They would chase after people across the street. I hope one day to be a missionary like them. One cool thing about this last transfer was that there are now three Rexburg elders in one zone. Elder Robinson, Elder David Rowe, and me. The rest of the day, we went to a ward party for a few minutes and then we rushed off to... a district meeting. Haha, oh well. We played volleyball after. 

Wednesday was so so so busy. It was Elder Bird's first full day in the new area. We went over to help the Gaytans clean up their yard and again, we were rewarded with food. Brother Gaytan bought us burgers from a place called Rallys. They were so good and I've added it to my list of: "places to bring my family when I visit AZ again." We also went shopping and got everything Elder Bird needed. We had plenty of lessons and I took my new comp around to meet the awesome members in my area. I was exhausted when we finally got home, but I felt really good because I knew I had given the day my best. 

Thursday. Lessons. That was about it. We got to see a lot of people and all of the lessons turned out pretty good. I remember one lesson, we arrived right when the family was having a huge argument. The spirit wasn't present and we were worried about if we could turn that around. We taught Demetri, an 11 year old convert. He doesn't have a father figure, but he is a good boy. We talked about our Savior and also about Joseph Smith. Our main commitment to him was to pray. At the end of the lesson, I got a spiritual prompting to tell Demetri that "the next time you and your mom get into an argument, ask her to say a prayer with you. And can you guess what's gonna happen? Her mouths gonna drop and then the mood of the situation will change." When we were driving away, we saw him come outside and they prayed together. Brother Felix also took us out for sonora hot dogs. So good and I love that guy! 

Friday was a normal missionary day. Our Friday's are usually pretty slow. 

Saturday was a busy day. We had an awesome lesson with a golden investigator in the morning. We asked her about her beliefs and background, everything she said we could agree with. It was a spiritual lesson. My favorite part was how explained that all her life, she's felt that she's had member friends that have slowly been pushing her towards joining the church. She was very kind. Haha, in the middle of our lesson, she stopped us and asked if she could make herself some tea. Luckily, that topics a few lessons ahead. 

Sunday was the best day this week and probably one of the best days in my mission so far. Elder Bird and I both woke up with moderate food poisoning. We ate a bad salad, watch out for cucumbers y'all. Our biggest fear was that we would miss our baptism at 3:00. I said a prayer and was comforted that it would work out. We rested  until noon and missed a stake broadcast. Dang. There was some divine intervention, because around 1:00 i felt perfectly normal. This baptism was meant to happen, poor Elder Bird was still sick as a dog. I got to baptize Jordynn and it was the greatest thing ever. I got put in a XL jumpsuit because that's all they had, it felt like I was wearing a poofy cloud. There were so many people at the baptism, including President Robinson. No pressure, haha. I was so grateful President took the time to come. He is one of the greatest men I've met. The best part, we got pictures!! 

I'll end with an experience I had. I've really been wanting to learn the scripture and not just know them, but let them be a part of me and change the way I act. I prayed for the way that I could best go about this and I was directed to Alma 17:2-3. It talks about the Sons of Mosiah as they prepare to go their separate ways and teach the Lamanites. It say that they knew the Word of God through studying the scriptures diligently. Then verse 3 say how that was not all. They did give themselves to much prayer and fasting. And then It says they were able to speak with power and authority. I know that Heavenly Father loves each of us and that he's with us, even in the small details of our days. He answered my prayer and now I need to act on what's been given to me. 

I hope you all have a safe and wonderful week. Remember to guard your testimony and cherish the blessing it is to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Oh what a blessing. 

Love Elder DeGraw
6265 N 82nd St
Scottsdale, AZ 85250

My new Companion, Elder Bird

The baptism of Jordynn Erickson ...

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