It's Elder DeGraw again, I hope you all had an awesome week! It's crazy to think that tomorrow is already my two months mark. It's been quite and adventure down here. This week was busy and there were tears shed, friends made, and yes-- missionary work.
Monday night we started a Zone Fast for the investigators who are on date for baptism. We fasted for them to open their hearts and stay strong until their date. From what I've heard and seen this week, it worked.
Last Tuesday, we woke up early in the morning to go help a gentleman named Brother Gaytan. He is a very kind Hispanic who drives buses for the city.He asked us to help him with a few projects he's been working on (installing a garage door, pouring concrete, fixing up the pool, scorpion hunting, and more). I. Am. So. Excited. On Tuesday we only had a little bit of time so I helped him clean out his pool. He gave me a bucket with a rope tied to it. At the bottom of the pool was the thickest, slimiest, greenish water I've ever seen. I would lower the bucket down, scoop up the water, and then throw it over his fence. I loved every second of it... my back didn't however. I'm sorry but i forgot to take pictures.
Wednesday, I don't really remember what happened. We probably taught some lessons. It was a successful missionary day.
Thursday we had a mission tour where one of the seventy, Elder Wilson, came and gave us an amazing training on the Book of Mormon. It is the biggest conversion tool that we use to help people make changes in their life, repent, and come unto Christ. I'm so grateful for the sacrifices Joseph Smith made so I can have it to read, study, and ponder.
Friday was Elder Kuewa's last day at physical therapy, and my last day of driving the minivan. Dang. Also that night, I found a video on the LDS Media app called "The Last Testimonies." I really felt the Spirit when I watched this video, because it talked about a few apostles who have passed away and their final testimonies. You could hear the conviction in their voices. They knew with all their hearts that this is the true church, and that Christ lives, and that Heavenly Father loves each of us so much. If you have time, I would try to watch it.
Saturday was another normal missionary day.
Sunday I had my first stake conference. I enjoyed it very much. It helps me out a lot seeing how strong the members and their testimonies are down here. One talk was on patriarchal blessings. I learned a lot of stuff that I didn't even know before. It's a great feeling when the Holy Ghost reveals to you new truths that you'd maybe skipped over before. I've set a goal to study and ponder my blessing once a week.
Also on Sunday, I went on exchanges with one of the Spanish Elders to teach a few lessons. I enjoyed teaching with him, even though I didn't understand anything that was said. That night, Elder Kuewa and I had the greatest experience. We got to interview a sweet 18-year old named Jordyn for baptism. She is so ready to join the church and is actually planning on marrying an RM. Her date is on October 7th. Since I'm not getting transferred anytime soon, I get to be there and hear her testimony.
So that was my week. I've enjoyed serving a mission so far. There's so much to be done here and I'm ready to be a tool in the Lords hands. To end, I'll share a quick testimony. I know that obeying the Law of Tithing is a wonderful blessing. God has given us everything, He gives us 100% of His time, He gives us 100% of His love, and all He asks us for is 10%. I know Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us and He wants us to become our best selves. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Elder DeGraw
In front of Andy and Raygon Hymas' (great friends from Rexburg) first home. |
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Mission socks sent from Karen |
"My view everyday" |
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