Monday, October 16, 2017

No Baptism, A Blitz, and a Prieshood Blessing

Hello everyone!

I made it to another P-day. I'll start out by saying that I did not hike Camelback Mountain today. It wasn't a very eventful week, but there were still a few neat experiences I'll tell ya about...

First off, Jordynn's baptism didn't get to happen. We've had to push it back a few weeks, but we are 100% sure it will happen. Bishop Arnett told Jordynn that even if an angel appeared to him and told him to stop the baptism, she would still get baptized. Transfers are Halloween Day, so it could be possible that I don't get to baptize her. We'll see. 

Another ward blitz did happen however. If you aren't sure what a mission blitz is, it's where all the missionaries in the zone come together to knock doors in one companionship area. Not as many members showed up this time around, so I went out on a split with one of the Zone Leaders. The invitation flier to the party was our secret weapon. Knocking on a door and talking about the gospel with someone was so much easier when we had the flier to start off with. There were two families that seemed pretty promising. We are planning on visiting them again this week. One family told us that they had just discovered an army of rats living in their home, so it'll be interesting to see what the latest update is on that. 

We've picked up a few investigators this last week. The most interesting teaching appointment I've had since I've been out happened with one of these. His name is John. We taught him the Restoration and he kept asking the strangest questions. He wanted to hang out and take us to Jack in the Box. He also wanted to take us to the Tongan Methodist church a few blocks away. We finally finished the lesson with a prayer and were getting on our bikes ready to go. He came running out to us as we were riding away and asked: "Also, I've been really looking for a religion that believes in extra-terrestrials. What's your opinion on that?" We kept riding...

Saturday night was by far the best day this week. We didn't have any lessons that night, so we were making quick stops to see our less-actives. I had the feeling that we should go visit Brother Gaytan, a great member that we've been helping install a garage. We rode up right when his sister pulled in to the driveway. She told us that she was taking him to the hospital. We knocked on the door and he was so relived to see us. He asked for a blessing and explained what had been going on. We promised him everything would be okay. The Spirit was so powerful, Elder Kuewa started to cry during the blessing. After, Brother Gaytan stood up, and with tears in his eyes, thanked us and gave us each a hug and off they raced to the ER. I had a good feeling in my heart are I rode my bike home that night, a feeling that I had done something the Savior would have. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week! Remember to pray always and look for ways to serve others. The Book of Mormon can bring many blessings to people's lives. Yesterday, we ate at a members house and he had invited a nonmember couple. We shared the First Vision video and offered them both a Book of Mormon. The husband Santos thanked us and was so grateful for what we had taught him. He had a light in his eyes and a desire to learn about the gospel. It reminded me of how we have been told that the Lord's work is hastening. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and that he is with us wherever we may go. He know's each of us on a personal level. I'm grateful for Him, His example and His perfect love, and the chance I have to share this knowledge I have with others. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. 

Pictures... Us at church, my fresh Great Clips haircut, and a picture I found in the family history room.


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