Elder DeGraw flew out of the Idaho Falls airport bright and early (actually it was still dark and felt like the middle of the night) on the 4th. He flew to Salt Lake City, on to JFK airport in New York (he's ALWAYS wanted to visit NY-- but a 4 hour layover probably wasn't in his dream scenario), then took an all night flight to Sao Paolo Brazil. Ryan and I were tracking his flights all day. He arrived at 4:00 am (their time) after a LONG 24 hours. We still haven't heard from Elder DeGraw. We are anxious to hear about his travels, and his eventful day at the CTM-- and it sounds like it was one for the books for sure! This morning, a man invaded the Training Center, with a knife and the intent to kill the CTM President (Poor president, he's only been there for a month!). The military police were called in and the man tried to attack them and was killed. So-- welcome to Brazil kid! ("Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore!). You can read more about it by clicking HERE.
We are excited to hear from Elder DeGraw (by excited I mean obsessively checking our emails). Over the past few months, as I've helped Kyle prepare to serve, there have been many stories and experiences shared with me that had me quite worried about sending my boy to Brazil. I joked that every time I learn something new about his mission my anxiety meter rises. BUT, there is a scripture found in Mormon 5:23 that speaks so much comfort to my mama heart. It says "Know ye not that ye are in the hands of God?" I love that. Kyle is in God's hands. He's on the Lords errand, and Ive already seen Heavenly Father's tender care...
-Kyle was given the most wonderful blessing when he was set apart with many amazing promises, but the thing that I loved most was that some of the specific promises were almost word for word phrases from his patriarchal blessing. 2 different blessings, given at 2 different times by 2 different men. How is that so? because God knows Kyle and in both cases God spoke through the Holy Ghost to the men giving those blessings.
-I was worried about Kyle flying alone (and for all I know he did). I felt a little frustration because every outgoing missionary I asked was connecting in Dallas. Over 21 missionaries. So, why was Kyle the only one going through NY? This morning I learned that the Dallas missionaries (who were supposed to arrive to the Sao Paolo airport the same time as Kyle) had problems because of an unruly passenger who had to be arrested (yikes) and were diverted to Miami where they had to spend the night and most of today in the airport. They finally left this afternoon for Brazil and should get there after 5:00 tomorrow morning (over 24 hours after Kyle had already arrived)... tender mercy for our Elder! AND... Ive no doubt it was God's loving care that (for whatever unknown reason) diverted their flight and delayed their arrival.
- The incident at the CTM will serve as a reminder to Elder DeGraw that he needs to do the things necessary to be safe in a place that can be dangerous. Perhaps that reminder will help keep Kyle safe over the next 2 years. It also strengthened our knowledge that God protects his missionaries.
-On that same note, I know that while my son is there, the security in the CTM will likely be at the top of their game.
I am sure that Elder DeGraw has noticed God's hand as well and felt the sustaining and protective power of prayer (THANK YOU FOR PRAYING FOR HIM!)
I'll give you the update as soon as we hear from Elder DeGraw! Hopefully tomorrow...
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He's outta here... |
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